Sunday, February 15, 2015

Costa Rica

Two uneventful flights to San Jose on Thursday. Luggage did not make it instead all luggage from our group went to Dallas.  Quick dinner at Grab Hotel in San Jose then back to airport to pick up luggage.

Bright and early Friday morning we headed to the Cafe Britt coffee plantation great experience

Then to Sarchi to visit a small factory that makes the ocxcart which is the national labor symbol of Costa Rica.

We had the opportunity in Sarchi to attend an afternoon Valentine party at a senior center we were visiting a church heard music playing across the street and we stopped by what a welcoming group of people we danced, laughed and had a lot of fun.
Costa Rica is an amazing place so much to see so much to talk about.
WIFI is unpredictable and I have so much to share.
I will try and update soon

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